Getting sick of people trying to change my mind.

  • I post shit on FB to express my views. Whether it’s by my word or sharing a meme, it’s something I feel strongly about.
  • Just so you know, if you disagree with me and argue about it, I will go very low and I won’t give a shit if I hurt your feelings.
  • If you wish to post articles from some liberal piece of shit news source (cnn/msn/nbc or other liberal toilets) to counter my words or the meme I posted, I won’t read it or even click on the shit.
  • If you wish to discuss things with me in a calm and rational manner, a manner that doesn’t require me to follow your liberal bullshit links, I’m more than happy to have that chat. (And yes, I do have liberal friends that are rational)
  • I know that Trump is an ass. Everyone knows he’s an ass. Even though he’s an ass, he’s better than the alternative that was given us in 2016. That vile cunt hillary is pure evil and I prefer an ass to satan. I also prefer the world of Trump to the world the left is trying to shove up our asses.
  • The left says they’re not going to take our guns, but that’s just another lie from the lying left. Look at the new spate of “red flag laws” that are popping up across the country.
  • Open borders ONLY benefit the left. They offer new votes for a dying socialist party.
  • It amazes me that the left can’t see that the muslims entering the country are diametrically opposed to the left’s values. Gays will die. Liberal politics will get squashed under Islamic law if given a chance.
  • To close, if you read this and are my friend on FB and if you disagree with me, you will not be able to change my mind. I prefer Trump’s world to the socialist hell you’re trying to make our life.
  • Peace!