‎Lidia Monroe‎ to #WalkAway Campaign

‎Lidia Monroe‎ to #WalkAway Campaign
July 5 at 10:39 PM
I voted for Pres. Obama, but after 8 years of Democratic policies, our country was in shambles, riots were a weekly occurrence, racial tensions were dividing us, and our country had no direction.

I walked away because liberals have abandoned the fundamental principles of respect, love, tolerance, freedom – and instead started promoting, and even demanding, hate, rage, intolerance, indecency, and violence.

I walked away because I was tired of being labled as xenophobic for opposing illegal immigration (I love immigrants and come from a family of legal immigrants myself), racist for supporting police officers (I love all people of all races), islamaphobic for opposing certain tenets of islam (I love Muslims too), sexist for believing that women and men are different, evil for becoming a conservative, stupid for not believing everything I was told.

I walked away because I started feeling like I couldn’t say anything, because the speech police that liberals had become was listening, making sure all people used correct ‘pronouns’ and refered to everything in a precise and politically correct manner, like a list of approved words out of Orwell’s 1984.

I walked away because I saw how liberals mock the working man and woman they used to pretend to champion for, but now openly call ‘people with no college education’ instead of ‘working men/women’ – implying that they are stupid and uneducated since they dared to vote against Democrats.

I walked away when the left started shouting down anyone they disagreed with and didn’t allow them to speak, violently opposing them and rioting, requiring police and S.W.A.T. teams to protect the speakers. I walked away when they said that the First Amendment should be abolished because no one should be allowed to say anything they deemed ‘offensive’ – even as the left became as offensive as one could become, calling those with whom they disagreed every vile name.

I walked away because I saw how little liberals regard the individual. They group everyone into a growing number of categories: gay, straight, black, white, gender, transgender, etc. Each of these groups is either 1) oppressed/victim or 2) the oppressor/victimizer. You are not a person. You are … (fill in the categories). You, as a person, have no value apart from the groups to which you are assigned. If you’re in the oppressor group, even if you are oppressed, your pain doesn’t matter, because you are ‘privileged’. If you are a victim, you are helpless and can do nothing without the help of, and permission from, the Democratic party.

I walked away because liberals started demonizing men and boys, telling them that the very essence that makes them male is toxic and evil and should be oppressed, telling us, women, that our fathers, brothers, spouses, and sons are toxic, their masculinity should be stiffled, they should be feminized.

I walked away because I saw how little liberals value the family unit. If a woman wants to stay home with her children, she is ‘playing into the patriarchy’, uneducated, and has no ambitions. I guess raising a human being is not worth much to them. If a family wants to send their children to a better school than the terrible school in their neighborhood, they cannot, because Democrats say parents should have no choice in this matter, fearing poor children would ‘ruin’ elite schools.

I walked away because liberals started telling ‘white men’ to be quiet, that they should have no say, no platform, and should not run for positions in the DNC or hold other public offices because of their ‘privilege’; that they should pay for the sins of other whites who came before them – all because of their race – pure racism, and wrong no matter whom it’s against. And I saw the other liberals say nothing against this.

I walked away because I saw the left chanting through the streets calling for the assassination of police officers – and then I saw officer after officer be assassinated point blank while they were protecting us.

I walked away because many liberal politicians support late-term abortion up to the ninth month, perfectly ok with ripping a baby apart in late stages of pregnancy, not considering how sick and extremely cruel this is to the baby, who can feel pain and fear, not considering that this is a little human being in need of love and protection that can survive outside the woub and should not be killed.

I walked away when Hollywood elites – those who, through their films and shows, promote sexism, violence, rape, objectification of men, women and even children – began preaching to the rest of us on what a good and moral society should be.

I walked away when the left abandoned women and pushed for transgender males to be allowed to compete in girls and women’s sports, unfairly destroying their chances to win when they must compete with those who are biologically male. Sorry, no offense, but it’s unfair.

I walked away after walking through the streets of San Francisco, seeing hundreds of homeless living in the streets instead of being helped to find housing, needles everywhere, people passed out on drugs, fear of being robbed or assaulted, while liberals ran every facet of this city and called it a ‘sanctuary”. Sanctuary for drug dealers and criminals, I imagine, and a glimpse of the future of our cities under their rule.

I walked away when I saw Democrats disrespecting our military men and women, burning our flag in the streets, asking, “When was America great?” I walked away when I realized how much they despise our country and vilify it, in schools teaching our children to hate our country, taking down the flag so it doesn’t ‘offend’ those who hate America, and labeling Patriots as ‘Nazis.’

I walked away from the liberal depravity – when they held up a sign saying ‘Rape Melania’, when one of their elites called for the President’s young son to be abducted and raped by pedophiles, when they started talking about assassinating a democratically elected President or blowing up the White House, when a liberal Congresswoman called for people to harrass and assault public officials who dared to disagree with liberals.

I walked away because I realised liberal policies sound great on paper, sound amazing in speeches, but don’t work in real life. It doesn’t work to give ‘free things to everyone’ – because someone has to work for it and pay for it. It doesn’t work to create big government that takes care of everyone – because they squander billions of dollars and accomplish little, all while taking away more of our rights. It doesn’t work to overregulate and overtax businesses – because they are what gives everyone else jobs. It doesn’t work to force a high minimum wage, because small businesses will go out of business, and a regular person will never be able to afford to start their own business, creating a greater gap between the rich and everyone else, and making it impossible for regular people to cross over into wealth. It doesn’t work to have ‘open borders’ with a country that is overrun by violent drug cartels and its officials are corrupt to the core.

I walked away because nothing that the left says makes any sense anymore. How does intolerance create love and tolerance? How does dividing everyone into groups and labeling them create equality? How does labeling people as victims empower them and make them rise above their circumstances? How is demonizing white people not racist? How is demonizing men not sexist? How is violence and pornography on TV ‘free speech’ but speaking about God infringes gravely on other’s rights and cannot be tolerated? How does not working and being dependent on the government create good economies, good societies, and good people? How does the destruction of the family unit create good communities? How does taking God out of everything create a people who have hope and feel a level of responsibility?

I walked away because I wanted to be free. Free to think, free to speak, free to not be assaulted for my beliefs.
I walked away, and I am happy again. The sky is not falling, the revolution is not coming, and everything is going to be ok, because there are many good and honest people who are standing their ground and determined to be the kind of people who Make America Great. 🇺🇸
