Today is the day.

There’s a lodger’s tax advisory board meeting today that I have to attend.  I’m going to tell the board of my efforts to join with the city board for advertising more effectively to increase tourism.

Erin and I will most likely go for a walk today, weather permitting.  She likes to explore and I like watching her explore.  I may take Whiskey with to watch over her while she explores.  Snakes are starting to appear.

Tomorrow I dine with a couple of friends.  Going to Rialto again.  I enjoy these little outings with friends that I haven’t seen in a while.  Hey Nina, Melinda is even thinking of joining us for dinner.  We haven’t seen her in forever, ya know?

Erin and I are watching SpongeBob Squarepants while I type this.  I can feel myself grow as a person with every episode.  Now, where did I hide my assault rifle?  Actually, I find that show to be quite funny in many aspects, but none of them coincide with the reasons Erin laughs at the show.

To all my friends that read this drivel daily, I thank you for your interest in my writings and stuff.  I feel you should know that I’ve been under 300 pounds now for more than a few days and while that has been temporary before, I hope this time is permanent.  Walking daily and lowering my calorie intake at the same time has worked.  My goal is 250.  Once I reach that, I will reassess my weigh and possibly move to a lower weigh as a goal.

Hey, did everyone enjoy that spider picture?  I know spiders creep most people out, but they fascinate me and while I don’t like them in my house, I enjoy watching them outdoors.

Happy Spring Everyone!