All posts by Glen

Just a former garbageman living in New Mexico selling crap to tourists and locals alike.

Snow and other crap.

  • Snowing. I woke up to it snowing.
  • Plowed first thing in the morning.
  • Plowed again later in the morning.
  • Shoveled and salted the walking areas.
  • We’re up to about 7 inches right now.
  • I’m thinking of plowing again in another hour.
  • Replaced the bulb above the bathtub again.
  • Worst lighting fixture ever.
  • I’ve replaced a bulb in that thing every 5 or 6 months or so.
  • Emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it because I’m getting low on coffee mugs.
  • Nina did not make arrangements for a dishwasher before she left.
  • I have a date tonight, I hope the snow doesn’t queer things.
  • Going to Casa de Herrera in Pecos with Catherine. Cheap date.
  • I talked to Joe in Florida this morning.
  • I talked to Dennis this morning too.
If I can make one person smile or pee their pants a little, then my day was not wasted.

$15.00/hour minimum wage?

Well, I just heard of the new move to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour. Sounds great on the first look, but when you talk of $15/hour wage, you fail to add in the additional cost of the employer contributions to the employee’s FICA package. That $15 actually works out to around $18 to $19 per hour.

Now I like the idea of a living wage for all, but let’s get real for a minute. In my business, I will have to cut employees, so we have 3 people that will be looking for work. I’m betting that other businesses will do the same. I will keep my kids and I will take some shifts rather than letting employees trade hours for appointments and family obligations. That will result in less $$ for the remaining employees.

Now comes the part that just pisses off liberals. Some people just aren’t worth the minimum wage. These people are the slugs of society, the people that just sit on their hands until you tell them to do something. People that have no drive or self-direction. Why are they entitled to a premium wage of $15/hour?

I will raise prices. If they’re making more money, they can afford higher prices. Prices will go up at a higher percentage than the wage increase, guaranteed.

Employees that are retained are going to expect a raise too. Why should the lower wage people get the bump and not them? They’re right, but I have to pay all these salaries, not the bottom feeding politicians.

I see this happening as the big O moves to improve his poll numbers since the failure of the obamacare rollout. This puke is desperate to leave office on a high note and as always he’ll reach out to his voter base, the poor and unemployable, to raise his numbers. Throw a dollar at them and they’ll do backflips for this p.o.s.

When did public service become a quest for a legacy? Pay more attention to your job obama and forget your legacy.

I will fire people. It will hurt. I will not care. People that go will go because they are not working as hard as I feel they should and I will not consider seniority. Go ahead obama, raise the minimum to an asinine amount and you will hurt the people that you claim you’re helping. It will make my store leaner and hopefully more profitable.

I am really starting to hate living in this country.

Wind, diarrhea, and other stuff

  • The wind has returned.
  • I decided that going to Pilates today would not be a good idea.
  • I have diarrhea. See previous post.
  • Dumb asses cut my air hose again. We have the only air hose in the area and they continue to do stupid shit to it. Each time it happens, I take longer to replace the hose.
  • Dumb asses.
  • Oh no, a movie star died. I’m sure it was a conservative plot against liberal actors. Yep.
  • I’m sick and tired of the ads that are flooding my inbox. Vendors that I use regularly are risking my boycott by sending me the same shit day after day. Not new shit mind you, the exact same shit, day after day.
  • I just saw Biden on the news. What a limp dick. Monotone seems to be his strong point.
  • Biden is the vice-president for the younger readers that don’t do news.
  • If you travel to North Korea and you get arrested there, you deserve it. What kind of moron travels to a country that’s run by a cartoon character?
  • Shark attacks in Hawaii.
  • I guess the previous 2 points can be considered Glen Travel Advisories.
  • That’s it.
Honesty. Stability. Respect. Loyalty. Consistency.  I like that shit.

Cops shooting citizens.

New Mexico seems to be in midst of a police involved shooting blitz lately. The citizenry of course is looking at this all as excessive force by the police, but they only see what the press  shows us via their skewed reporting. The press wants sensation, not factual reporting and that makes cops jobs even more difficult.

Why should a criminal comply with the cops? He can run and shoot at the cops and when he gets shot or caught, the press will spin the whole incident as the police are at fault. No wonder we’re seeing the militarization of police departments, they have no choice.

Never in all my life have I seen a more divisive stance of the public, it’s us against them and we’re all on the side of law and order. Sure he committed a crime and it’s true he had a gun and he may have pointed the gun at the cops, but damn it, they didn’t have to shoot him!

Yesterday we had another police shooting. Domestic battery? Looks like it. Did he have a gun? The reporting caller said yes. Did he comply with officers when they arrived at the scene? Nope! He ran and then shoved his hands in his pockets. Seven shots fired, all scored! Great shooting guys.

People never realize that cops are trained to shoot for center mass. No one’s trained to wing the bad guy. No one is trained to shoot the gun out of the bad guy’s hand. Center mass. It’s for the cop’s protection and to limit other people from getting hit.

Shit, people are stupid. Cops are our employees, employed by us to keep us safe. Do you think that when the police department and the cops are sued by the bad guy or his family that the money comes from some magical source that just happens to pop up when some moronic jury awards money? No, it comes from taxpayers. We pay the award.

Of course that type of person, and most likely his family, are probably on the lower end of the socio-economic scale, so it’s truly doubtful that they pay taxes and most likely are being paid by us already since they’re shit poor, so I guess it makes sense for them to expect us to pay for their criminal relative’s misdeeds.

Society, I hate you.


She is not looking good. NOW I can agree with Nina and her belief that she will not see the new year. I doubt she will see Christmas and she may not see ML return. Her face looks like a skin covered skull and her level of activity is down to zero. Pray for an early passing everyone.

2880 miles.

That’s the round trip milage of my Chicago visit.

I had a nice visit with my family and with enough distractions we didn’t have to go bowling. Both family dinners were fun events and everyone was in a great mood.

I stayed at Hotel Carl, a fine brother owned establishment that has heat in only half the house. I can stand the cold, but in the summer I’ll have to check if the a/c reaches the other half of the house or not. Email me if you need to book here. Very reasonable rates, but the owner is a bit grumpy if you wake up and leave before he does.

The trip out was a bit hairy in places with drifting snow, but the trip home had picture perfect weather. I arrived home at 12:30.

On the trip home I made the decision to cut Nina and Tori out of the loop. At this point in time I’m not sure if they have any idea what that means, but they’re OUT.