Just another Thursday, along with other shit.

  • First and most important, Aunt Ella looks like she’ll be passing soon. While it may be for the best, it’s going to leave a hole in my heart when she does. She’s been a major part of my life and she will be missed. I will be heading to Chicago if she does.
  • Erin leaves today. I may take her to Romeroville, which is halfway to Dilia to make things easier for Belle. Not sure how Tori will feel about that plan. I have errands in town today, and Romeroville is en route.
  • Sold Dennis my old computer. He’s planning on traveling soon and a laptop is easier to take traveling than a desk top.
  • I’ve been meeting Jeep owners out here lately and we may organize a ride locally. I hope to map trails to generate and produce for sale a map of the Jeep trails in the county. All part of the economic development group’s plan to make the county a destination for tourism. I would apply for lodger’s tax money to print and distribute the maps. the maps would be for sale and would generate money for the lodger’s tax fund both in sales revenues and increasing tourism and hotel stays in the area. The rides with locals would help me generate the mapping data needed.
  • I need a winch for my Jeep. Getting stuck last week really highlighted that to me. I’m backcountry alone way too much not to have a winch. Quadratech has a Q-tech branded winch that I’m considering. (Quadratech is a major online and catalog retailer for aftermarket Jeep shit.)
  • Anyway, that’s it for now.
A backward poet writes inverse.