Category Archives: Family

A post relating to family and not for outside comment.


She is not looking good. NOW I can agree with Nina and her belief that she will not see the new year. I doubt she will see Christmas and she may not see ML return. Her face looks like a skin covered skull and her level of activity is down to zero. Pray for an early passing everyone.

2880 miles.

That’s the round trip milage of my Chicago visit.

I had a nice visit with my family and with enough distractions we didn’t have to go bowling. Both family dinners were fun events and everyone was in a great mood.

I stayed at Hotel Carl, a fine brother owned establishment that has heat in only half the house. I can stand the cold, but in the summer I’ll have to check if the a/c reaches the other half of the house or not. Email me if you need to book here. Very reasonable rates, but the owner is a bit grumpy if you wake up and leave before he does.

The trip out was a bit hairy in places with drifting snow, but the trip home had picture perfect weather. I arrived home at 12:30.

On the trip home I made the decision to cut Nina and Tori out of the loop. At this point in time I’m not sure if they have any idea what that means, but they’re OUT.

Yesterday & Today w/Erin

Yesterday & today I had Erin with me, along with my camera, so I took some pictures and we had a generally good day.

Erin fired her first gun today and I noticed she’s too young still. I may try my NA Arms .22 5 shot with her later, but I think that should wait another year even.

Sorry, but the drought is still not over people.

Heard “thank God the drought is over finally” in the store yesterday. We’ve got a long way to go before this drought is called over. Two storms over two evening periods gave us some nice moisture and while the storms were heavy and dropped a lot of rain, 15 minute storms  are more damaging than nice. Albuquerque got yesterday’s storm after passing through our area, but they got the added benefit of 90 m.p.h. winds that caused a lot of damage. What ever happened to nice, day long, soaking rains that cause no damage?

Aunt Ella

She’s back at home. She will spend her final days in her room at Freedom Village. She’s happy to be home and went from anxious and problematic to calm and happy upon being placed in her room.

The sisters

No real change with the sisters we have. Both have their own special grind here and they more or less just sit around and watch TV. Kinda like what I do I guess.

Erin & Michigan

Arrangements have been made with Will’s family if the need arises for me to travel east earlier than originally planned. They understand and are very supportive of this trip. Erin is looking forward to this trip and while I’m slightly nervous of traveling alone with a hyper 4 year old, I’m looking forward to it too. I plan on taking her bike with and I’m looking forward to riding with her up there. I’m also bringing my large cooler and making the Lido’s Pizza run, if I can get dry ice. To carry all the stuff, I’m bringing my little trailer. May stop in Chicago to pick up certain things that have been requested to be brought back here. Maybe, maybe not.


It’s nice having the cameras all up and running again. Thanks to Dennis for all the help. We’re not quite finished yet, we have one more camera to install. that one should be in place in a week or so.

If you read it on the internet, it must be true!


Shirley is active again.

Today we have an active and talkative Shirley again. Yay! Her and I have been arguing again and I think Nina’s getting tired of our bickering. She says she can walk and I tell her she can’t. She says yes, I say, “get up and prove me wrong” and of course she can’t. Right now she’s reading. Some large print books appeared here from someone and she reads them. Good books too.

Anyway, Shirley and Erin always have fun with each other at these times and since Erin is on her way back to be with Erin on Mother’s Day, they should have fun together.

Later everyone.


I really hate these days.  Overall she’s been good, but when she’s alert like this she insists that she can walk and I have to tell her repeatedly that she can’t walk. It is fun watching her try to stand from her wheelchair, she gets this sad frustrated look on her face before she asks for help. I then help her stand, she takes a few steps while holding on to me and then would collapse to the floor if I let her. I then make her walk back to her chair, even though she’s too tired to make it. Yeah, I know I said it was fun watching her try to do all this, but I guess I’m the only one that takes pleasure in this. Nina hates it. Tori worries when she tries to stand. Erin runs and tells me that Gigi is trying to stand. I know, I’m weird.



Well, Shirley is chatty again.  She’s also been reading.  Tori bough her some large print books and she reads about an hour or two a day.  Coherent, reading and alert. Nice change of pace.


Victoria Louise Post

Today is my daughter’s 26th birthday.  Happy Birthday Tort.

She has chosen a home cooked meal over a restaurant meal for her birthday dinner.  It is my understanding that we are having ham, some sort of veggie, and sweet potatoes.  I’m hoping that Nina makes some real potatoes for me.  Never cared for sweet potatoes.