Does Anyone out there know how impeachment works?

I’d love to lay claim to writing this piece, but I can’t. It is good info though and worth a read. GBP

My guess is 99% of you don’t.

So let me explain why Trump WANTED to be impeached….

If the Judiciary Committee calls for a vote, & a simple majority of the House agrees, it goes to a trial in the Senate. The Senate then requires a two-thirds majority to convict him.

And what crime has Trump committed? NONE.

Also, the Republican Party holds a 53-47 majority in the Senate, so there won’t be enough votes.

BUT…. The Senate trial is the REAL TRIAL.

Trump will have his own lawyers putting on his defense.

And he’ll declassify everything he needs to in order to defend himself.

A trial in the Senate would lead to the exposure of everything the media has tried desperately to ignore. Every news outlet will be forced to cover the trial daily.

And the country will see evidence of unprecedented criminality committed by the Dems.

If Trump goes on trial, he’s going to expose every single crime the Dems have committed going back to January of 2009. And not only will the Senate NOT convict him, the Democratic Party will die.

We know that the “whistleblower” was GIVEN the information that Trump said “troubling” things in his phone call to the Ukrainian President.

This person was set up. Trump has had over 3 years preparing for this moment & now we’ll see if the Dems go all the way.

Impeachment is the death of the Democratic Party.

But NOT impeaching him will make their voter base stay home in 2020.

In either scenario, Trump wins.” 

My mother is in the hospital

I called her yesterday afternoon. She sounded in good spirits but wishes to be home. She lives in an assisted living condo and believes she’ll be fine there. Since I’m 1400 miles away and 2 siblings live hear her, I am staying here until needed.
During our chat, she brought up the impeachment fiasco and reaffirmed her support of our President, Donald Trump. She said that she’d vote for him again and I assured her that I too would vote for DJT. I also told her that I would talk to Dad, many years deceased, and get him to vote for Trump too . . . CHICAGO STYLE! This caused her to laugh, and I felt good ending the call with her laughing.

Prayers for my Mom if it suits your belief system.