Category Archives: B.S. & Political Ridicule

They’re in the air.

  • Nina, Tori, and Erin are on the last leg of their journey. they lifted off from DFW a few minutes ago for Alb. Can’t wait to see them.
  • I had a pretty good time while they were gone. Debra kept ML in check nicely and I ate most meals, except breakfast, out with friends.
  • Last night, Catherine and I did dinner in Pecos at Canella’s Restaurant. The topic eventually went to the people that have passed on and passed through our lives since we moved out here. The number of people that died were pretty large, but when you added the people that just moved from the area, it was a staggering number. We had a lot of names that both of us knew, but we also had a large number of unique names.
  • ML only rang the bell for me once during the entire time. It was yesterday morning while I was in the bathtub. I got out and asked her what she needed. She told me that she was hearing water running and sloshing about and wanted to make sure everything was OK. I told her that it was my bath and she interrupted it and that was what she was hearing. She apologized for bothering me and went back o sleep..
  • I rediscovered Taco Bell while they were gone too. I’ll be doing that more often now.


This is their last day in FLA.

  • Tomorrow the girls are headed back home. Erin is having a ball and I think Tori will be hard pressed to show her as good a time on their next vacation.
  • I think Nina’s pretty much exhausted at the end of each day. Lots of walking and standing.
  • Yesterday I replaced the card reader and cleaned the printer head on the ATM. Cards are now reading properly but the printer still is pretty crappy.  I may have to disassemble the printer further to get it to print clear receipts.
  • The Aquilars showed up at our place yesterday. Larry and Mary Ellen were long term and repeat campers when the campground was open. We did dinner in Pecos
  • Saw Dennis and some friends at Herarra’s and chatted with him a bit too.
  • Looks like we need new credit card terminals now too. Oct. of 2015 requires new equipment. It includes the ATM too. I’m going to order the one terminal today. Cardtronics recommends a new ATM since ours is somewhat dated. Price of the upgrade is $1300 and a new unit is $2500 + or -.
  • Of course our gas people recommend getting new pumps at only $65,000. I’m glad I’m a secret billionaire that can afford all these new government regulations. Assholes.
If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.

It’s so freaking quiet here!

  • No morning door slam announcing Tori’s entry into the building!
  • No snores from next to me. (I snore too, but I never hear them.)
  • No herd noises stomping up the stairs. How 2 young females can crush a stair tread like Erin and Tori amazes me.
  • No loud talking from downstairs. When Tori talks downstairs, you can hear her word for word on most occasions.
  • No TV drowning conversations emanating from the kitchen. Once again, Tori.

Of course there’s a downside to the quiet. Marylou feels she needs to chat me up when she sees me idle. Idle is interpreted differently by both of us. Mostly I don’t want to talk to her at all, but she feels some sort of responsibility to entertain me with stories of how she was raised, or how she cared for Nina when she was young, and the latest story of how she saved Richie from a beating from Armand. It makes you consider suicide sometimes. Tales from the crypt. I was told this week that I’d miss her when she is gone. Since I couldn’t reply to this person without profanity, I just walked away.

Saturday can’t come soon enough.