
  • Why has my health insurance been cancelled?
  • Weren’t we promised that we could keep our insurance?
  • Why is it that I can’t shop for new insurance until AFTER the election?
  • What are the scum that are running for office afraid of by letting me re-insure now?
  • Why is it that this (supposedly) Affordable Care Act only screwing over citizens and not the healthcare companies?
  • Are the doctors hurting from this?
  • Are the insurance companies hurting from this?
  • Are the hospitals and clinics getting hurt by this?
  • Are the government employees getting hurt by this?

I’m betting the answers to the last 4 questions are no. I hate that son of a bitch that runs this country and I’ve never said that about a sitting president before.

They caught 4 Mexican cartel guys.

Yep, 4 Mexican cartel guys  were caught by the cops. Now this all happened about 3 miles from our place and it cause a lot of inconvenience for many of the people that lived in that area, including our friend Catherine. The cops had the area blocked of from 3:15 until almost 9:00. Now normally this would be the end of the story, but the disturbing thing is that they caught them as they were walking along the interstate, less than 500 yards from our place.

Our area is ripe for cartel activity and I’m wondering if this is just the start of their moving in here. We are rural, we have more than a few people here that would love to work for them, there’s plenty of places that are perfect for grow operations, and police presence is pretty thin.

So we will now go back to our “same old, same old” routine until the next bit of excitement happens.

Thursdays are not my favorite.

  • Erin leaves us today. I blame Tori.
  • A beautiful day is in the offing for us, with an even better day in store for tomorrow. I blame Tori.
  • Is everyone ready for the partial eclipse? It happens around 3:30 this afternoon, Mountain Time. I blame Tori.
  • After I finish this, I plan on heading to the Santa Fe New Mexican website to screw with some hippy environmental liberal types by commenting on an article that showed up this morning. I blame Tori.
  • I’ll probably take the Harley out to some distant diner and have lunch out of county. I blame Nina.
  • Not really, I blame Tori.
  • The morning news crew are the lamest group of people that are paid to look pretty. I hate this insipid shit they say and long for the days when TV news programs were a serious affair. I blame Tori.
A closed mouth gathers no foot.

The 17 funniest one-liner jokes that only a conservative will understand

#1 – Did you hear about the new Obama Diet? You let Putin eat your lunch every day.

#2 – How does Obama win the war on terror? He renames it!  Its now the overseas contingency operation.

#3 – Did you hear about the reporter who asked Obama a hard question? Neither have we!

#4 – How many democrats does it take to change a light bulb?  5! Al Gore to insure it’s a CFL, an EPA agent in case the bulb breaks and a mercury cleanup is necessary, a person to bail out the home owner, an ACORN member to ensure that the right person changed the bulb, and a member of the media to celebrate the change.

#5 – Why can’t Obama dance? Cause he has two leftist feet.

#6 – Some Republicans are saying that due to his current scandals, President Obama should be impeached. In response, Obama laughed and said, ‘Two words fellas: President Biden.’

#7 – What do Obama and financial scam artists have in common? They both say “yes we can,” they both give hope, they both take your money, and they both will leave you penniless in the end.

#8 – Speaker Nancy Pelosi is in Shanghai to debate climate change with Chinese government officials. I think she’ll do fine. These negotiations always come down to whoever blinks first.

#9 – How many Democrats does it take to change a light bulb? It’s irrelevant; they still don’t know they’re in the dark!

#10 – They say that Christopher Columbus was the first Democrat. When he left to discover America, he didn’t know where he was going. When he got there he didn’t know where he was. And it was all done on a government grant.

#11 – What do you get when you offer a liberal a penny for his thoughts? Change.

#12 – What’s the difference between Bill Clinton and government bonds? Government bonds will mature someday.

#13 – What do you call a basement full of liberals? A whine cellar.

#14 – Nancy Pelosi has now been elected the new House minority leader. She was smiling from ear to ear, which is pretty impressive considering how far her ears have been pulled back.

#15 – What kind of doctor do you need to fix Obamacare? A URLologist.

#16 – What’s Obama’s new slogan in these tough times? Spare Change You Can Believe In!

#17 – Today is #CyberMonday, the day you can buy anything online. And by “anything,” I mean anything but health insurance.

Well, that didn’t take long.

Pangu has already launched a Jailbreak for IOS 8.1. While I’ve run a jailbroken phone for years, I don’t subscribe to all the hype about it.  There’s a few very mini things I enjoy from the Cidia store, the biggest is the ability to hide Apple apps that I never use and that Apple make mandatory to see.

If interested, click on this sentence. The Jailbreak is mostly for developers at this point but it usually takes a less than a month before Cydia is included.

I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.