Category Archives: B.S. & Political Ridicule

Happy September Everyone

Two nice days so far this Labor Day weekend. A solo run on the bike on Saturday, a ride in the Jeep with Nina, and I have no clue what today will bring.

Sunday’s norm means coming home to Erin, but this week she’s staying in Dilia. We stayed away longer because of this yesterday. We did the Santa Fe ski basin run yesterday and for all my local friends that have yet to do this run, you are missing some spectacular views! Do the run, it’s only 7.5 miles to the top.

My iPhone just froze up. I had to do a hard reboot. This happens every now and then. Since I never shut the phone down, it is usually a sign that it needs the reboot.

8 days and counting.

Sunday Drive

From the road to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.
From the road to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.
From the road to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.
From the road to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.
From the road to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.
From the road to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.
From the road to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.
From the road to the Santa Fe Ski Basin.
Parking lot of the Santa Fe Ski Basin.  Mooo!
Parking lot of the Santa Fe Ski Basin. Mooo!
Pecos National Historic Park
Pecos National Historic Park
Nina at Pecos National Historic Park.
Nina at Pecos National Historic Park.
Pecos National Historic Park
Pecos National Historic Park
Pecos National Historic Park
Pecos National Historic Park

Labor Day Weekend

Another holiday where we get the DWI/DUI warnings on the radio and TV. It’s automatically assumed that we’re too weak to realize this ourselves and they’re too stupid to know that the abusers will abuse anyway.

Today I feel like riding. Dennis, wanna ride? I have no clue where I’m heading, but I need to get away from here for a while. Maybe I’ll head down to Rte. 60 and head west to see what I can see that way. I usually head east.

Busy weekend in store for us. The last travel weekend until Thanksgiving. Thankfully it’s predicted to be a beautiful  3 days. That is seldom the case on holiday weekends.

Tortellini & Whiskey. I wonder what he’s smelling . . .

*Since I never hit Publish on the above text, I figured I’d just add to this what I did since writing the above.*

I took a little ride to calm my frazzled nerves and while all went as planned, sort of, I missed a junction where 60 continued and I found myself on 285. I ended up making a 230 trip. I stopped and took a few pictures, most of which I trashed. When I said “I stopped”, it was more like slowing down and shooting while moving and hoping to get some good shit. I got a few.

I’ve always wanted to stop and snap this old passenger car. I don’t know what they use it for now, but it’s a cool item.
Another vacant motel on Rte 60.
Route 60
An old abandoned home on Route 285.

Erin is gone for 10 days.

  • Payback for me taking her to Michigan.
  • It appears that I have a busted coccyx.
  • I’ve bought cushions that will make sitting easier.
  • Sucks for riding the bike, but I’ll deal with it.
  • 12 days until we leave. Seems like a lifetime on some days and too close on others.
  • I’m going to try pot when in the Netherlands.
  • It is supposed to help me sleep.
  • I’m thinking brownie or candy, but not a joint.
  • Since I’ve never really smoked anything, a joint would be hard to deal with for me, so candy or brownie it is.
  • Don’t know what a coccyx is? Google it.
  • That’s it.