Sturgis pics.

I’ve been getting FB notices from Sturgis this past month and I thought I’d dump some pictures of it here. I hope you enjoy them. I’ve only posted the ones that were PG.

A whole whoop of riders!
Would you stop here for the night?
Gotta have cops when you have bikers. Biker cops, even better.
The Black Hills are famous for Mount Rushmore.
Love is in the air!
Old man Tuttle. Paul Tuttle is a pretty common sight at most events.
Lot’s of biker parades.


1 Gal Vinegar
2 Cups Epson Salt
1/4 Cup Dawn Dish Soap (Blue Original)
Mix and spray in the morning after the dew has evaporated and all will be dead by dinner time. It will kill anything it’s sprayed on.

Cheaper and less toxic to pets than anything you can buy!


  • Nina heads to the doctor tomorrow morning to have her wrist examined.
  • She’s been walking around like a civil rights activist since her surgery, her right hand raised up in a fist. Doctor told her to keep it elevated and Nina does what they say.
  • Me? I would have removed the bandages and possibly the stitches by now.
  • We’ve had some rain lately, some substantial and all of it much needed.
  • Erin is back with us! She’s such a good kid.
  • We leave for Michigan on Saturday with a possible arrival on Sunday or Monday.
  • She’s getting nervous about leaving. She’s gonna miss her mommy and her Beppe and her dogs and her fish and they’ll all miss her.
  • Banking this morning. We had a great weekend. The rain didn’t detract from the 3 day 4th weekend at all since it was later in the day.
  • Breakfast at the Spic this morning. Join us if you wish. Pay you own way though.
  • Yesterday, a customer locked his keys in his car while fueling up. I’m sorry if you’ve ever done this and my next comment offends you.  What kind of stupid do you have to be to leave your keys in a car that automatically locks the doors? And what’s worse is the dumb asses that leave their keys in the ignition and lock the doors themselves. That is a level of stupid that raises the bar for all other morons.
  • Anyway, it became my fault that this happened because I was unable and unwilling to unlock his car with my break-in kit. I can’t break into newer cars. The manufacturers have made using slim jims almost impossible. I offered to break his window, but he didn’t like that idea. He was here for a few hours.
  • Oh yeah, there’s even a second layer of stupidity to this fool. He bought the car and it came with only one set of keys and he never thought to have a second set made.
  • Have a great day people!


I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.