Wow, I almost missed posting for today.

My rash is gone, but I am under the weather.  I’m just kicking back and relaxing while I let this pass. Tomorrow I take my bike in for an oil change. After that I’ll just hang around the house and continue to relax and let this pass.

Nina looked up all my meds recently and found that most of my issues are listed as side effects of my meds. Kinda sucks ya know.

Today with Erin

  • before getting erin, we did breakfast and picked up my meds.
  • we then called tori and told her that we’d pick her up.
  • my caps key seems screwed up. i’ll take it apart tomorrow.
  • well it appears that the right shift key works but the left one doesn’t.
  • i’ll just do it without caps for this posting.
  • it’s probably got to do with some grime or food that slipped in the keyboard.
  • we took erin to the billy the kid museum in fort sumner.
  • she had a nice time and was very impressed with the old toys.

The pictures we took today! Hey, the shift key works again!


  • I have been promised a Brazilian in Seattle, a home cooked rijsttafel in the Netherlands, and a party to remember in New York City.
  • All this is a result of my new FB group that is an offshoot of a website I’ve been on since ’94 that shut down yesterday.
  • People are grateful that they have a place to commiserate over the closing of the site. We’ve all relied on it for contact over the years.
  • Looks like biking weather all next week, except for the weekends. Of course I don’t believe a word the weatherliar says and my repeated emails to the station are now being ignored.
  • The owner of the gas station at the next exit, that is no longer there just called. They offered me the lot and equipment for $400,000.  The land comes with a house, 3 gas tanks, and the pumps. Once they list the place they will list at $500,000.
  • I declined. I’d need to steal the place to make it work.
  • Erin’s fish are doing great. No dead fish so far. Marylou enjoys watching them, but she thinks I overloaded the tank with fish. I did, but I did it with past experience and equipped the tank to handle the overload. Filtration and aeration are the key. I like an active tank.
  • Marylou’s father had aquariums and she feels that what he did was better than what I am doing.
  • Let it be known, Marylou has no opinion that she has kept to herself. I like telling her that she’s wrong and it angers her, but she will not rise to the bait.
  • I’m tired of the homeless guy getting killed by the Albuquerque police story. The cops were wrong. They should have known what they did was wrong. They should be dealt with by now, but they haven’t been. And I wish the story would just go away, but it won’t and I see this cropping up regularly for the next several years.
  • The rain we’ve received lately is wonderful! While the Memorial Day receipts were down because of it, we still did better than a normal weekend. Besides, I will not complain about the rain because it’s for the greater good that we get it whenever we can.
  • The area is greening up nicely. Dust is not an issue right now. People with allergies are no longer suffering. All of this is good!
  • Well, I need to get to work. I’ve got a full day ahead of me. Well full day is a bit of a stretch. I should be done in an hour or so and then I plan on heading to Vegas to meet Nina for lunch.


It’s a sad day in the Post house.

  • Erin returns to the “others” today.
  • But we get her back on Sunday.
  • I really don’t like sharing her.
  • I’m just selfish that way.
In other news . . .

That website I “worked” for closes its doors on June 1. That is a sad thing too, but I was made aware of it yesterday. Once I found out I made a FB group for all the forum refugees to gather and commiserate. In under 24 hours there are 160 members of the group from all over the world, including Iran or Iraq. We’re a strange group of people for sure, but so many of them have become friends over the years.

I have met many of them, talked on the phone with others, and communicated in various other ways with the rest. In reviewing the member list on FB, I’m amazed at the talented people that are now in this group. Everyone from manual labor to academia and government types. Business owners, retirees, self-acclaimed wealthy types, and others. I feel weird knowing that a FB group I created could attract such people.

Anyway, I’m sad at the loss of the website, a place that I’ve been a member of for 20 years now, but I am happy to retain the friendships I made there.

I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.