Category Archives: B.S. & Political Ridicule

Glen News

Strange thing that The Glen Blog has very little actual Glen news. Well, today I’ll actually post some shit about me.  Since I write about what happens with the family when I’m around to see it, I seldom think about my stuff.

  • I am now a member of the state tourism board as the representative from San Miguel County and the City of Las Vegas. I will be part of the Northeast NM group of counties.
  • This is a serious group and I will be dealing with a much larger advertising budget than I’ve ever dreamed of playing with and it is an ever growing pool of money. Last year’s budget was $300K and next year’s budget will be $700K. That’s a butt-load of budget for some of the most unpopulated counties in the state.
  • I’m really loving my new toy. I can see me putting on some very big milage numbers on this bike during the summer months. (Just so there’s no mistake, when I say bike I mean motorcycle, not a bicycle. Motorcycles belong on the road, bicycles belong on the sidewalks.)
  • So far I’ve done over 1500 miles and I think that’s not bad in the month and a half I’ve had it. I’ve embraced the Harley-Davidson lifestyle. I’m a member of H.O.G. or the Harley Owner’s Group as the initials represent. I’ve done one ride so far and Nina and I are going to another ride next weekend to Amarillo Texas.
  • We’re going to be tourists in Texas for 2 days. There’ll be a great ride getting there and a nice ride home. Dinner will be at the Big Texan, a monstrously huge steak joint that is a pretty famous tourist trap on I-40. The ride is 260 miles each way.
  • I hope the weatherliar predicts storms. That will ensure great weather and no winds.

Back to your regularly scheduled bullshit.

Yesterday and today


  • Erin and I spent the day together, starting at the Jeep dealer for service and annoyance.
  • They provide the service, I annoy the sales staff. One I fire on a regular basis, hoping it will stick sometime.
  • I sit in the sales office, behind the desk. It makes the newer sales people wonder who I am. The older staff just play along and treat me with deference. I had a new saleslady get me coffee and a danish yesterday.
  • Fitz thought it was funny. He’s the used car sales manager and we were discussing his living situation and didn’t need to be disturbed.
  • Fitz retires in a year. Another Harley owner. Nice guy. Very religious and pretty funny about it.
  • Erin had the run of the place. She’s a natural boss and has the sales staff running after her whenever I bring her there. The F & I guy was on the floor playing with her for a bit.
  • She and I also did Lowe’s and Harley-Davidson. I bought Erin a toy motorcycle and she’s had it jumping everything.
  • The girls at the H-D dealership fell in love with her. Tiffany let her lead her around by the hand asking her questions. Tiffany told Nina later that day how much she loved Erin.
  • Nina bought sunglasses at H-D yesterday.
  • I think ML had a tiny stroke yesterday. We’re not taking her to the hospital, they’d just check her in and “watch” her overnight and send her home. I just simplified the process and watched her myself.
  • My Thursday meeting was canceled. There’s a battle a’brewing between the city and the Chamber of Commerce and all of us from that meeting want to be present to watch it go down.
  • Believe it or not, this is all about the marketing group I’m part of, so I’m part of the battle. The CoC lady has no idea where I stand, yet. I’m sure Thursday will make it clear to her.


  • It is Wednesday and Erin and I are scheduled for lunch at Burger King and their play land.
  • Erin and Tori should be here between 7:30 & 8:00. I’ll know that they are here when the garage door slams and shakes the house.
  • I was invited to a no limit poker game for Thursday evening. I doubt I’ll go. I prefer the betting caps that keep our games sane.
  • Since it’s still early, today’s section of this posting is a bit brief and I’ll add more to the blog if something worth posting happens.

Amen, to every one of them!

Apolitical Aphorisms

If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.
~Jay Leno~

The problem with political jokes is they get elected.
~Henry Cate, VII~

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office

If we got one-tenth of what was promised to us in these State of the Union speeches, there wouldn’t be any inducement to go to heaven.
~Will Rogers~

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.
~Nikita Khrushchev~

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it.
~Clarence Darrow~

Why pay money to have your family tree traced; go into politics and your opponents will do it for you.
~Author unknown~

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel.
~John Quinton~

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.
~Oscar Ameringer~

I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them.
~Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952~

A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.
~ Tex Guinan~

I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.
~Charles de Gaulle~

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.
~Doug Larson~

There ought to be one day — just one — when there is open season on senators.
~Will Rogers~

Ride report & pictures

Breakfast was at Harry’s Roadhouse as stated earlier here. We got there later than normal and therefore Harry’s was very busy. We finally were seated at the counter. It worked for us, plus I got counter carat going with the lady sitting next to me and the staff working behind the counter.

Harry's Roadhouse counter seating

We left there and drove through Madrid and just kept going. We had thought about stopping, but the parking there is tough. We turned off of NM Rte. 14 and headed toward Edgewood where we hit I-40.

We jumped off 40 on NM Rte. 41 and stopped for a break in Galisteo. Pretty little NM town, not too different from San Jose.

Galisteo, NM Old wagon in Galisteo, NM My bike in Galisteo, NM

Galisteo, NM Galisteo, NM Yep, that's Nina.

Nina, I think Galisteo, NM Galisteo, NM

Once we mounted up and started out again, we headed for Eldorado and lunch at La Plancha de Eldorado. The first time I was there was with Catherine while Nina was in Chicago this past winter. I had always wanted to go back there with Nina and today it happened.


They had a killer brunch there. We both had different things and I have to say their cheese enchiladas are absolutely GREAT. We went home after that.

186 miles.

I have never donated blood.

Today I stopped at SF H-D and find they were having a blood drive. Since I’ve never donated before, I figured now was the perfect time to donate. Questionnaire excluded me.

I did get to meet the channel 4 weatherliar, but I didn’t rip on him since we don’t watch channel 4. We watch channel 13 and since I have no clue if he sucks as bad as 13’s weatherliar, I left him alone. And besides, he was there pimping for the blood drive. I had to ask another biker who he was and he was surprised that I didn’t know him.

Oh well, I did get to SF H-D, but I never made it to AT&T or Chicago Dogs and I did have a nice ride. When I got home I washed the bike before parking it. I noticed I’m almost at 1600 miles already. Not too shabby.

Weather permitting, Nina is joining me on a ride to Madrid NM, an old mining town just south of Santa Fe. Breakfast at Harry’s Roadhouse and we’ll head south from there. Madrid morphed from mining, to almost ghost, to an arts destination. Many bikers head there for a destination day trip, they also have a bar.