Gallery Test

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[EasyGallery id=’chicago’]

There are 3 different galleries on this page. All have previously posted pictures and are just here as a test.  This gallery is easier to navigate than the default gallery here.

The last of the gas pics.

Well, we’re done with the line upgrades. We are still waiting on the leak detectors to be installed, but we’re pumping gas from 2 pumps while the concrete sets up on the other 2 pumps.

The leak detectors were supposed to be installed Friday, but the electrician they hired never did this before and couldn’t figure it out. I’ll be calling the company this morning and complaining.


Welcome to FALL!

  • My favorite season arrives today around 3:00 Mountain time.
  • Cooler temperatures arrive with the season.
  • Cooler temperatures means less sweating on my part.
  • Nina loves fall because she can wear sweaters without me laughing at her.
  • She wears sweaters when it’s 98° outside.
  • Winter comes after fall, my second favorite season.

Enjoy the season everyone!


More gas line pics

Well, we were supposed to be selling gas right now, but we’re not. The was a tiny leak in the system and that’s pushing the sale of gas back to tomorrow afternoon or so.  We will be open for normal business hours tomorrow, but gas will happen when it happens.

When we open, we will only have 2 pumping stations until the concrete cures, about 3 days to be safe.


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I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.