Shamrock Texas

After a false start yesterday, we finally left and got to Shamrock TX. You’d have thought we’d have just crashed with exhaustion, but no, it took us hours to fall asleep. Someone likes to talk when she’s awake. Any guesses.

We hope to hit the condo at the end of the day today. About 950 miles and 13.5 hours according to Google Maps. No guarantees. Precious cargo aboard!

Sleep would be nice!




Pure shit day yesterday.


Erin and I went for haircuts today. Didn’t happen, Cindy was on vacation. Scruffy will be what you all get now.


More equipment brought in and more money spent, No joy. I asked John if we could hook it up to the internet instead, it was like a light came on in his head. He said we could try it. Bingo, it worked. I had to wire the system so the wire wasn’t lying on the floor. THAT was a pain in the ass. John is a great guy. Good at what he does, but never thinks outside the box. He said I should work with him on these things. I may have a job if we ever sell this dump. Dennis, thank you for your help. It wouldn’t have happened without you.


She decided to throw my fan chains into the fan and I got mad at her. I did something that I don’t do very often, I yelled at her. She looked quite hurt. I don’t yell at her much.

Santa Fe

Drove into SF for dinner to pick up some stuff for the ATM and had dinner at Olive Garden. I don’t remember what I had, I was too preoccupied with getting ready to go and the ATM and other shit.

Kill me now please.


Excitement last night.


It sounded like a tire exploding at our air hose. Nope. Andy calls and says it sounded like it came from the village. Yep. It only took 15 minutes before the gossip patrol called and said someone blew up a white guy’s propane tank. Mucho excitemento!

Aunt Ella

Still hanging on. Not doing well. Kidney failure, heart issues, and infections. She’s bubbly and happy as always though. Super Duper!

Banks & $10,000 deposits

What a pain in the ass. I did the banking and had to wait 15 minutes while the teller tried to figure out the “form” to “report” me for depositing $10K in cash. Dumb thing didn’t know how to do it and the head teller overrode the form and let me go. I’m actually depositing the money and I shouldn’t have to report it like it’s a disease.

We had a great weekend. Rough Rider’s Motorcycle Rally!



Sorry, but the drought is still not over people.

Heard “thank God the drought is over finally” in the store yesterday. We’ve got a long way to go before this drought is called over. Two storms over two evening periods gave us some nice moisture and while the storms were heavy and dropped a lot of rain, 15 minute storms  are more damaging than nice. Albuquerque got yesterday’s storm after passing through our area, but they got the added benefit of 90 m.p.h. winds that caused a lot of damage. What ever happened to nice, day long, soaking rains that cause no damage?

Aunt Ella

She’s back at home. She will spend her final days in her room at Freedom Village. She’s happy to be home and went from anxious and problematic to calm and happy upon being placed in her room.

The sisters

No real change with the sisters we have. Both have their own special grind here and they more or less just sit around and watch TV. Kinda like what I do I guess.

Erin & Michigan

Arrangements have been made with Will’s family if the need arises for me to travel east earlier than originally planned. They understand and are very supportive of this trip. Erin is looking forward to this trip and while I’m slightly nervous of traveling alone with a hyper 4 year old, I’m looking forward to it too. I plan on taking her bike with and I’m looking forward to riding with her up there. I’m also bringing my large cooler and making the Lido’s Pizza run, if I can get dry ice. To carry all the stuff, I’m bringing my little trailer. May stop in Chicago to pick up certain things that have been requested to be brought back here. Maybe, maybe not.


It’s nice having the cameras all up and running again. Thanks to Dennis for all the help. We’re not quite finished yet, we have one more camera to install. that one should be in place in a week or so.

If you read it on the internet, it must be true!


Poker anyone?

You can have my spot in the local game. I’ve been losing on a regular basis here. I do have fun though and I did win some pretty nice pots, but I blame Ted. He’s a jinx!

Aunt Ella

Aunt Ella is still with us. She’s been difficult in the hospital and they’re hoping to bring her back home today.


We had a nasty rain yesterday evening. It was my fault, I washed my Jeep. The storm was directly overhead and rained for 30 minutes or so. On the way home from poker I saw a lot of erosion damage. Joe’s going to need my tractor to repair his roads I’m thinking.


Spanish Market is this weekend. I guess I get my corn after all.

Keep off the Grass.

I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.