Happy Easter

I’m wishing you all a Happy Easter, or as good of one as possible. I’m hating this virus that has destroyed all forms of socialization. Our store has been reduced to serving our customer base through a window. I had plans to visit my mother tomorrow, but my sister has basically banned me from her using guilt. Right now I’m not fond of her. I’ve spent much of my time riding my Harley, and riding with friends that aren’t living in fear. I don’t know anyone that has been diagnosed with the virus and I doubt I’ll find anyone I know with it.

Our clown of a governor has made life very difficult. I hope that bitch gets the virus. I find her antics prior to the virus to have been an embarrassment to the state. Breaking through walls while making stupid statements on commercials. That bitch is a moron.

I’ll take a drive today with Nina and hope nothing bad happens.