Big political discussion

Yesterday there was a big political discussion at my gas pumps.  It was myself of course, the weights & measures inspector, and a PBS radio host.  This was all happening while the weights and measures guy was doing an inspection of my pumps, all of which passed BTW.  It of course started with local politics because our legislature is now in session, but it moved to national within 15 minutes.

Now I won’t go into details about what was said because that’s not what this posting is about.  We were there chatting about a bunch of different things and politics came to play because of Mark covering the session.  We had 3 different point of views that we managed to discuss without one of us raising our voices and all of us respecting the opposing views and the person’s right to hold them.

One of the things I love about owning this business is the chance discussions that I have with people that cross my path here.  It can be customers, inspectors, vendors, or just a person that stops in for directions, but I love the people that can have an intelligent conversation reasonably.

One of my candy vendors, Rudy, is always open for a political chat.  He stops by every other Thursday and I can always rile him up by stating “I think I smell a liberal in here!” when I come down to pay him.  Of course my voting Libertarian last election has taken some of the bite out of his comments to me, so he’s easier to deal with.

Anyway, back to your scheduled programming and please tune in tomorrow for more drivel and rambling about nothing in particular.  PEACE!