Well, not really, but at night when it counts, I’m A L O N E!  I have the entire bed to myself.  I will be the only one snoring in the room.  I can stretch out and flop my arm in any direction without hitting anyone.  A.L.O.N.E.

Nina is eastward bound.  Heading to Chicago to clean ML’s landfill with Andy and Debra.  Debra?  Are you wondering who Debra is?  To bad, I’m not telling you if you don’t know.

Found out yesterday that Erin’s father has had no driver’s license for 4 years.  Four years?  Hmmm, that time frame sounds very familiar.  Could it be that since Erin was born this dumb ass had no driver’s license?  Four years?  I’m betting he got the D.U.I. that cost him his driver’s license after Erin was born.  Now NM is a drunk driver’s paradise with provisional driver’s licenses and the drunk having the ability of having a D.U.I. expunged after a period of time.  He’s told Tori that his past D.U.I.’s have already been expunged and he has a clear driver’s license, so clear it doesn’t exist!  I swear to God, I don’t know why I haven’t ended his dumb ass already.

Since Nina has made arrangements for Shirley’s care while she’s gone, so much so that I can vacation somewhere myself, I will be hiking a lot while she’s gone.  No, I’m not taking a hiking vacation, just going back country for a bit during the day, each day I hope.  I figure to see what it’s like to walk as much as Beth and Nancy.  I swear they walk insane amounts of steps daily.  Over 100,000 steps weekly frequently.  That’s over 10 miles a week.  Crazy females.  I’m hoping to do some trips to the SF Nat. Forest and hike a few trails Jamie and I walked some years back.  They hit some good altitude and end up in some seriously remote places.

Well, that’s all for now.