Murphy’s Law is Working Overtime Here Today!

  • Got here and the elevator broke just as the movers got started.
  • Condo Ass. Pres. claimed that we’re in violation with this move.
  • Condo mgmt. company called and I straightened that out.
  • Climbed the stairs to the condo after stepping out for a moment and got to my floor and there’s an older guy with a walker coming down so I help him buy carrying the walker down for him and had to climb the 4 floors again.

Can’t wait to see what’s next.

EDIT: I may have the place sold already. Another tenant on this floor wants to pay $90K for this unit, no commission or fees. He’ll gut, renovate and flip the unit. Nina’s considering this offer seriously.

AGAIN WITH THE EDIT: Elevator is up and running again. Condo is emptying at a rapid rate. Realtor just left and we’re eating lunch now. Murphy must have left the building.