Messages to people that read here.

It’s not the breaker. I replaced the wrong breaker first and the problem still happened. Once I realized that problem, I replaced the correct breaker and it’s still happening.

Family & Christina:
Marylou was just carted off in the ambulance. Claims of chest pains and inability to breath were loud and frequent. Ambulance called, checked her out, claimed she was fine, but took her away anyway. Cool!

To All:
Check back here for updates. Same Bat Time, same Bat Channel! (Dating myself, ain’t I?)

Comedy of Errors?

So, Nina and I decide to take separate cars to the hospital. Made sense at the time, right? Probably should have talked about which hospital she was being taken to. Nina headed to Santa Fe and I headed to Las Vegas.

Nina updated me while at breakfast and I waited until I got home to update you all. Surprise surprise, ML has nothing wrong with her. She did not have another stroke, she did not have a heart attack (I knew that was impossible since she has no heart.), and she was breathing fine.

This was all started because Diana, her weekend caretaker, brought her a book on China. She was trying to be nice because ML was reading an old book about China. ML, in her demented thought processes went through the following:

  • Where did this book come from? (Nina) Diana brought it for you.
  • Did she give it to me?
  • Is she expecting it back?
  • Is she trying to sell this to me?
  • That’s it isn’t it? She’s trying to sell this to me!
  • Who does she think she is? (Nina) Oh for Christ’s sake, she just thought you’d like to page through it!

And so on and so on and so on. Nina is a saint, but unfortunately this saint needs to vent and I get to listen to the frustration and anger that ML brings out of Nina. For a while ML seemed to be semi-sane, but then she slowly started to revert to the nazi-gnome figurine that prompted her return to Illinois. I think I’ll have a little chat with her when she gets back home this afternoon.

I hope to have Diana back here too. She needs to see these antics will have no consequence to Diana and that she’s here for the duration.

To summarize the day: Marylou is batshit crazy. Batshit crazy will get her back at a home in Las Vegas, NM. Just saying . . . . .