T – 30 hours

  • Rain is predicted for today.
  • Posted a funny FB meme in “vulgar”.
  • Banking today.
  • Erin is home after 10 days. I sure missed her.
  • She’s glad she’s home.
  • We’re glad she’s home before we leave.
  • She spent the night here. She fell asleep in her bed (yes we have a bed here for her) and I woke this morning with her knee in my back.  Makes me wonder why we have a bed here for her.
  • My back is bothering me today, can’t figure out why.
  • I added something under the Erin tab.  “my room”
  • This morning I’ve suffered through over 10 political ads. I hate the political season. Too bad it’s not more like hunting season.
  • Dropped my bike off at Harley yesterday. It will live there during our trip where they will do a couple of mods, add a garage door opener that works off the high beam switch, and add an audible burglar alarm. I’ve caught people sitting on my bike twice and the audible will stop that. The mods? Headers and pipes. These will reduce the felt heat, get rid of the catalytic converter, give me better milage and keep a near stock sound.
  • On the trip into Santa Fe yesterday, it 55° when I left and it was one of the most comfortable rides I have taken on the bike. It makes my thoughts of a road trip to Chicago in October seem like an even better idea than I thought.
  • We did Harry’s Roadhouse for breakfast yesterday. Nina had something with spinach and I had trout, bacon, and eggs. Great food, tiny little freaking tables. You can’t read a newspaper while there. When you’re as popular as Harry’s is, you have to jam the customers in every little shitty corner you can I guess.
  • Marylou goes to the nursing home today! YAY! She’ll stay there for 3 weeks. We told her that our vacation is 3 weeks so that we’d have an extra week without her. I know, we’re scum for lying to an old lady.
  • Speaking about ML, yesterday she was telling me about when she was last in London and while she didn’t remember the date, it HAD to be around 10 years ago. Winston Churchill had just left power and she saw people kneeling to a passing piece of royalty and when she didn’t even acknowledge the guy, she was dressed down by a local since the guy was a duke. She told him that she only knelt before God and would kneel before no man. Since Churchill left the PM office in ’55 and died in ’65, I was so tempted to tell her that it had to be just a little longer than 10 years ago since she was in London. I decided to let her just finish the story so I wouldn’t have to listen to her any longer.
  • ML looks like a skeleton that hasn’t decomposed yet. Her hospice nurse feels that she is still healthy though and is fine staying here, but we shouldn’t be surprised if she passes soon.
Over thinking shit kills your happiness.