My internal clock is all messed up

I can usually feel what day it is, but today, while I know it’s Tuesday, it feels like any day but Tuesday. I hate this, holidays suck.

Today we did the banking and I did some web work for a friend. Stupid shit that is fairly easy. I’ll do some more later this evening for him and try to finish tomorrow.

Erin, Nina, and I did breakfast at Charlie’s again, just like any other Monday. While they waited for me at the restaurant, I did the banking. Bank regs are getting to be a pain in the ass lately. Lucky the bank officers are all friendly  with me.

Erin and I picked up three Plecostomus, algae eaters, for her fish tank. They’re having a feast there. I never realized how much algae had accumulated since I clean the front glass regularly. The side and rear glass seem to have needed cleaning too and that’s where they are feasting.  I hope they don’t get too large for the tank.

Erin and Debra are doing schoolwork together at the kitchen table. She’s doing very well and she’s pretty happy with this situation. We were singing the alphabet song on the way into town this morning.