Anyone up for some wind?

  • The weatherliar is talking about 60 m.p.h. winds for tonight and tomorrow. I’m thinking of staying home tomorrow rather than  fighting that crap in the shoebox I drive.
  • Of course since Tori is on the injured reserve list, I’m sure we’ll be pressed into picking up Erin.
  • Poor Tori, so fragile. She’s a delicate flower of a human. The slightest twist or bump or scrape sends her into an overdramatic fit of limping, whining, and tears. Poor Tori.
  • You know what I always say, “If she were a dog, I’d put her down.”
  • Going to Albuquerque this morning. My new phone is not getting signal in the morning and I can’t have that. I reboot the phone and it works great for the rest of the day, but if there’s an emergency, people call me on my cell and I hate missing those calls if service is not available.
  • I’m really enjoying my/Erin’s aquarium. There’s about 20 fish in a 33 gallon tank with 4 of them being quite large compared to the others. They’re 2 shark like catfish and 2 gouramis. I will be watching TV and eventually find myself watching the fish instead. It’s a very active tank and very calming to me.
  • Well, I better end this so I can format the following thing I found of FB. Funny shit!