Tuesday. Seems like we have one every week.

  • Yesterday ML was telling me that her hearing aid was sending her signals. Sometimes it beeps 4 times and other times it beeps once, and occasionally it beeps many times. She’s mentioned this before and I just assumed that she was just imagining these beeps or that she was just batshit crazy. It turns out that the 4 beeps are the alert from the microwave oven when it’s finished cooking, the single beep is another microwave alert telling you that you still haven’t removed your food dummy, and the multiple beeps are when someone is programing a longer cooking time or power change on the microwave.
  • My dilemma is; Do I tell her or let her think she’s getting signals from someone via her hearing aid?
  • Nina is decorating the front of the store for Christmas. I guess she didn’t like the way I did it for the past 20 years. She found out that it takes more lights than she bought.
  • Tori and Michael decorated her place this past week. They a cute couple, both the same size. I hope he doesn’t start wearing her clothes.
  • Erin likes him and his 2 y.o. son. I think Erin will be taller than both Tori and Michael and possibly the boy, whose name I don’t remember.
  • Erin told me that her and I are going to be motorcycle buddies this summer because she’s big enough to wear Nina’s helmet and she wants to go for rides with me.
  • Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of Shirley’s death. I can still remember what she looked like. It’s like I have a picture of her staring at me from across the room. A picture that is frowning and giving me “that” look.
  • Albuquerque has been ranked as the 4th best beer city in the nation for craft beers. Still can’t drink American beers, or foreign beers that are made for this country.
  • They are remaking the old TV series Route 66 and sticking with the original format of 2 guys cruising the route in a sports car, helping people on the route. Maybe they’ll film here? Probably not.
  • Last week we did have anotherĀ location scout stop by, take some pictures and leave a card. I called her, left a message and got no reply.
  • After 3 or 4 nights of fairly normal sleep, I’m back to the 3 a.m. wake up time.
  • Anyone need a hospital bed? After 1 year of gathering dust, I placed it on Craig’s List. I want it gone.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.