
 So Tori agreed to let Belle pick up Erin the evening before she was supposed to leave us and while her logic is sound, it still annoys me. She has no consideration to what this did to me! By allowing Belle early access to Erin, Tori screwed up my internal clock and now I have a Saturday feeling on a Friday.  I hate this.

ML is on a new drug that is supposed to suppress her outbursts and make her a vegetable (my wishes, not fact), but it seems to have had an opposite effect on her. She’s more chatty and now half my time spent online is looking up shit for her, things that she doesn’t understand or remember from the books she’s reading. Yesterday I looked up the name of some damned column in a square in France only to find that the column was named after the stupid square. I wish I could administer the drugs for her, she’d get them all at once.

I’m thinking about getting an apartment in town and having her pay for it. It would be my sanctuary.

Tori finally got her health insurance card. It appears she picked the one company in the state that has the worst customer service. I’m betting that they’ll dump her after a few phone calls. She’s not very polite when talking on the phone with companies that annoy her.

Well, they weatherliars got one right. Even a blind man with a gun will hit something if the trigger is pulled often enough. Morons. We have snow on the ground. I’m guessing that we got about 6 inches, enough that I hooked up my snowplow to the Jeep. Of course the snow didn’t last as long was the weatherliars predicted, but we did get snow.

Our congress is now in session. I will be there sometime next month for Bike Day at the legislature. I am guessing that there will be over 300 bikes riding there from the dealership. Bikers from all over the state are meeting at SF Harley-Davidson and from there we will lead them to the state house to let them know our feelings on new laws affecting bikers. One of the laws is a helmet law that offers lower licensing fees if you agree to wear a helmet. $30 or $40 for wearing a helmet or $600 for not wearing a helmet. Since I wear a helmet all the time, I’m on the fence on this. The higher rate will help pay for the added costs of bikers that have accidents without a helmet on.

My new business cards:



Have a great day.
