Feeling better, but not 100%

Man, this stupid cold has knocked me down. No incentive to do anything. I should be riding today since it’s beautiful outside, but that would require me to do something.

ML is breaking through her meds again and driving Nina nuts. Nina is thinking about putting her in a home again. both of us are trying to figure out how this woman is still alive. She’s got no meat on her frame and I’m guessing she weighs about 80 pounds, could be less. During the day she’s fine, but at night she just gets downright bitchy. Her nurse says that it’s not the meds and it’s just her being her. Makes sense to me!

Temperature is going to drop tomorrow but shoot back up on Thursday. Going to see if Joe and Dennis will meet in Pecos for lunch on Thursday. It’s been quite some time since the 3 of us got together. I see Dennis here in the store and I see Joe here in the store, but never together it seems.

Always the ham
Always the ham