Shit. Septic Tank Type Shit.

Well, Rudy and his crew returned to expose the septic tank for the building. It’s not pretty. It’s made of cinder blocks and has a homemade concrete top and both he and I doubt that the state environmental peoples will allow me to continued to use it. Its also showing signs of seepage through the blocks.







IMG_1419The current work to expose the tank has also caused the removal of one half of the patio out front. We’re actually pretty lucky that that’s all we lost out there. I’m not sure what will go over the new tank, if anything.

And here’s a picture of Erin


I didn’t post yesterday.

It was Friday the 13th!

Today I have to bring a pie to Harley-Davidson for a fund raiser. We’re having a bake sale to help raise funds for something. Not really sure what, but I’m sure it’s for a good cause. I may take the bike there and do a ride on the way home, take the long way home.

Yesterday I got a chance to finally see the brand for the city and county and I was sorely disappointed. It’s a swoop with Las Vegas, New Mexico under it. There were some good arguments about why it was appropriate, but it doesn’t change my feelings that the county isn’t show there. A year and a half’s work for blah.

I had a nice steak for dinner last night. We went to Casa de Herrera’s and had a nice dinner and also picked up the pie for the bake sale today. It’s not the finest restaurant in NM, but the food is always good and we both like Jerry and Joanne, the owners.



Woke up to rain and it’s now snowing BIG flakes. Of course the weatherliars are predicting a day in the 60’s for tomorrow.

Greasy oil at Lithia today. Andy is getting his Jeep fixed but he’ll have to leave it. We plan on riding home together.

Lunch with Dennis and Joe tomorrow.

Dats all

Feeling better, but not 100%

Man, this stupid cold has knocked me down. No incentive to do anything. I should be riding today since it’s beautiful outside, but that would require me to do something.

ML is breaking through her meds again and driving Nina nuts. Nina is thinking about putting her in a home again. both of us are trying to figure out how this woman is still alive. She’s got no meat on her frame and I’m guessing she weighs about 80 pounds, could be less. During the day she’s fine, but at night she just gets downright bitchy. Her nurse says that it’s not the meds and it’s just her being her. Makes sense to me!

Temperature is going to drop tomorrow but shoot back up on Thursday. Going to see if Joe and Dennis will meet in Pecos for lunch on Thursday. It’s been quite some time since the 3 of us got together. I see Dennis here in the store and I see Joe here in the store, but never together it seems.

Always the ham
Always the ham

Damned Bug

I’m still feeling punk. Sneezing, sore throat, very tired, and irritable. The irritability may be normal, but I’m claiming it as a symptom right now. I’ve also got a low grade fever.

This weekend I had the bike out twice, once alone and on Sunday with Nina. It was nice riding with her again, it’s been a while. Did the breakfast thing at Harry’s Roadhouse and lunch with HOG at La Plancha in Eldorado. We had a nice time with the group and spent about 2 hours there.

Poker on Thursday? A game’s been called, but I’m not comfortable with the no limit games. I can lose enough money with the $3 limit on every other week without attending a no limit game.

Riding while sick.

Yeah, I’m an idiot, but it was so beautiful out yesterday and I needed to go out for a ride. OK, I may not be sick, but I felt like shit. Allergies? Cold of some sorts? I’m not sure, but shit is how I felt. It was energizing being out and about on the bike again, but I still felt like shit.

I went to Santa Fe and stopped at the Jeep dealership and signed my order for my new car, a Dodge Hellcat in a very sharp blue with bronze wheels. Top speed of 200 m.p.h. and at $70K I should not attract much police attention, right? RIGHT?

After the Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler dealership, I headed to H-D. Spent an hour or so there and drank coffee and ate donuts. I checked my office there and it’s gathering parts it appears. Since I’m only there once or twice a week, I guess it’s OK to store shit there. Good donuts!

Another friend is leaving the area. Joe Sandoval is selling the B&B and moving to Albuquerque. Of course he still has to sell it, but it will sell. AND that peckerwood is engaged and he didn’t tell me. He thought he mentioned it to me, but he didn’t and I had to find out through some shitty general email to his customers. Thanks PAL. Seriously, I hope you sell that dump and have a happy life with Dannielle  and the girls.

Today, we have a ride from the dealership to a local restaurant in Eldorado, La Plancha. I’ve been there twice, once with Catherine and then again with Nina. Not a bad place. I’m hoping for a large turnout and a pleasant ride.

I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.