2880 miles.

That’s the round trip milage of my Chicago visit.

I had a nice visit with my family and with enough distractions we didn’t have to go bowling. Both family dinners were fun events and everyone was in a great mood.

I stayed at Hotel Carl, a fine brother owned establishment that has heat in only half the house. I can stand the cold, but in the summer I’ll have to check if the a/c reaches the other half of the house or not. Email me if you need to book here. Very reasonable rates, but the owner is a bit grumpy if you wake up and leave before he does.

The trip out was a bit hairy in places with drifting snow, but the trip home had picture perfect weather. I arrived home at 12:30.

On the trip home I made the decision to cut Nina and Tori out of the loop. At this point in time I’m not sure if they have any idea what that means, but they’re OUT.

OK, I know I wasn’t gonna post about ML again, but . . . .

. . . . damn it, she made me do it.

I went to visit ML today. I arrived as she was berating a nurse’s aid and I have to tell you that she ripped that girl left, right and sideways and she didn’t even swear once. It was something to hear. The most memorable was; “You’re a nasty piece of work, I can tell by your smile. You’re just nasty! I hope your husband beats you!” <aid> “I have a wonderful husband and he treats me very nice.” <ML> Well you don’t deserve him, you’re a nasty nasty woman”

Once she saw me standing in the doorway, she had a terrified look on her face. It was like she was trying to decide if she queered her chances to come back to NM. We had a very nice and pleasant chat after the initial drama. She was agreeable to all my condition of her return and she agreed to apologize to Tori. She didn’t remember doing what she did, but once I told her she said that she was truly sorry.

Snow Plowing

I had to plow this morning. I didn’t plow yesterday and I regretted it quite a bit. The snow turned to ice and made the lot treacherous. Not gonna make that mistake again. Used the tractor to scrape the ice off the pavement and my Jeep for the rest of the lot.

This homeowner plow is pretty nice but it doesn’t allow for in cab adjustments. It sure beats sitting on a cold tractor though. The tractor with the blade in the rear was always a literal pain in the neck.

Dennis asked the postmaster if they needed me to plow their lots locally, but it seems that I need a Paypal account for them to pay me. Not gonna happen.

Snow! So clean looking.

Well, we got some snow last night. Not a lot, but more is promised by the weatherliars of TV land. They’re saying we could get up to two feet of snow. While it would look nice and we need the moisture here in NM, it will be a major pain in the ass.

I’m hoping that my trip to Chicago is not affected by the weather. In theory I’m leaving Monday morning and taking two lane roads up to the Mississippi River before grabbing an interstate. Of course I leave here on I-25 and would take it up to Route 56. After that, it’s two lanes east.


Don’t care anymore. Tired of the past week’s coverage of his assassination. Tragic? Yes. News today? Worth a mention, but I’ve had enough.

The news reporters are beating this historic event to death. Can’t let another station beat you with more coverage of an old killing, right? Rating whores, that’s all the news groups are.

I think Obama killed Kennedy.

Football this holiday season.

I won’t watch a second of any game on any station. Stupid sport with overpaid whiners chasing an ugly ball. Shouldn’t even be called a ball.  Balls are round, not oval.

I know I’m not the only one that appreciates sport strikes by the players. TV resumes a sense of normalcy when the dumbasses, who make millions, strike.

Just as an aside; Why do we have to have sports on normal TV stations when there are places like ESPN and most likely others on cable supposedly just for sports? Just a thought, ya know.

That’s all folks.

If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth. ~ Carl Sagan

I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.