General Update and Info

Hi there! I hope your Wednesday is enjoyable.

While my Tuesday morning was somewhat shitty, I can now feel the benefits of going to the dentist yesterday. I am off of the pain pills already and while the stitches he put in are slightly annoying, I can live with them until next week. Sometime after Christmas I plan on paying him, or some other pain merchant, to give me some new teeth made of some synthetic shit that is impervious to decay.

I had to cancel on my presentation yesterday, but Les filled in for me. At the time I was scheduled to talk I was still spitting blood and saliva when I talked. Normalcy returned around 4 p.m. and I was able to eat even by dinner time. Soft foods only!

Erin & Me

We’re going to Santa Fe to explore the Children’s Museum. Erin did the happy dance or flop or seizure or some strange thing when I told her.

We have this thing where I chase her around the house to catch her and it gives me around 5 minutes of heart pumping action in the morning. I usually have to trick her to catch her. Today I tossed a handful of coins on the carpet when she wasn’t looking. I caught her and got my change back even.


Dennis is done with the trip and is heading home. Looking forward to seeing him and his pictures. He’s been blogging about the trip, but I’m sure there are more stories and pictures to be seen when he’s back.


She turned in her notice and we immediately hired her brother. He seems competent, but I was told I scare him. She’s moving to Denver.


Nina’s still alive, but I can’t give you proof of life. Call her if you’re really interested or worried. People, just because I own guns, it doesn’t mean I kill people I care about for fun or even in anger.

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.  ~Gandhi


  • I still hate dentists.
  • If I liked dentists I probably wouldn’t have the problems I’m having with my mouth now.
  • Kinda like a Catch-22 type of thing.
  • While expecting 3 teeth to be pulled, Dr. Garcia decided to add to my grief by giving me a half cleaning and extract a fourth tooth.
  • He’s such a caring person.
  • My 10:45 appointment and the resulting face numbing is just now starting to leave my head. I can now feel it when I bite my tongue and my ear is starting to tingle.
  • I was unaware of my ear being numb until just now.
  • I cancelled my afternoon speaking engagement with the county and instructed the county manager to talk for me.
  • I have never had an easy tooth extraction and this one was no different. At least I didn’t need to got to 3 different dentists with the 3rd one looking like the skull model for the skull and crossbones symbol.
  • He actually was standing over me with his knee in my chest to pull one of my molars some years back.
  • Dr. Garcia never once put his knee in my chest, but I sensed a degree of difficulty that was starting to annoy him.
  • Arrgh, my left nostril is starting to tingle!
  • I can’t drink water without drooling yet.
  • Yummy, I was reading the paper they gave me as I left the office. Soft foods only.
  • Good thing I had steak last night for dinner. While it was only a 6 oz. steak, it was a very nice piece of meat! I made the steak, the baked potato,  and the side of mushrooms completely disappear. I ignored the calabacitas completely.
  • Nina and I went out to the Ranch House with Joe and his new lady friend  and even Steven was there. (Joe’s son for the uninformed.)
  • DAMN IT, I’m starting to tingle near my eyelid. How much novocain did that bastard use on me?
  • Virginia, Joe’s new G/F is very nice. We had a nice evening and no matter how hard I tried to fluster her, she remained unflustered. The only thing that cracked her shell was when I offered to buy Steven a prostitute. Both Joe and Virginia lost it on that one. I think Joe choked a bit while laughing.
  • Wow, the novocain must be wearing off faster now, I can feel pain. Real pain on the left side of my face.
  • Thank God for ibuprofen 800mg. I’ll be right back.
  • Joe is probably without Virginia by now. She’s heading back to Florida today.
  • I talked to Dennis yesterday too. He’s on his way home. He just started his 5th week away and feels he’s had enough. No regrets though, he says.


Relax . . . we’re all crazy . . . it’s not a competition!

Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon ~ Queen

Song titles as post titles? Why not.

So since today is Sunday, Erin comes home. Nina believes that Tori wants us to pick her up today, but she never asked me so I’m in the dark once again.

I’m feeling road trip fever again. One of the horrors of FB is that I am always seeing pictures of interesting places that make me want to jump in the Jeep and head on out. Many of these places are east of the Mississippi and quite a few are in Pennsylvania. Damn that Facebook place! I wonder if Nina will trade Amsterdam for a camping trip across the U.S.?

Veteran’s Day tomorrow. Banks are closed so all of a sudden a Monday becomes just another Sunday to me. Tuesday will be my Monday this week and the rest of the days just become sameday to me.

Tuesday is somewhat busy. Banking and breakfast early on, most likely with Erin. After breakfast I get 3 teeth pulled. At 1:00 I have to make my presentation of awards to the county commission. Doing this after my dentist appointment should be interesting. After all that, I’m sure that Nina will still expect me to take her out for our normal Tuesday dinner.

Nina’s thinking of following Keith’s example of technology in the realm of cell phones. She’s considering going to an old style flip phone and getting an iPod for games and data. It sounds like the perfect solution for her techno-problems. Works for me.

Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time.

Tings. Translation = How my dad pronounced “Things”

  • Happy Birthday Beth!
  • Andy is not joining me on my trip east. School schedule conflict.
  • You’d think that the serious painkiller that they gave me for my toothache would also take care of my headache, but it’s not. Go figure.
  • Dennis is in Florida with Gail and Robert. Have a great time my friend!
  • I talked to Robert yesterday. I wish they were still local.
  • I saw Joe’s new GF yesterday. Talked to her too. Wow.
  • We’ll do dinner in Santa Fe on Monday and I will test her and see if I can make Joe squirm a bit.
  • I was looking forward to the drive east with Andy but now I have to search out some audio books to entertain me both ways.
  • Thinking of doing backroads on one leg of the journey. Kansas and Iowa are both nice states off the main highways.
  • Better food too.
  • NCIS reruns. Always a good watch no matter how old or how many times you’ve seen it. So few shows have that staying power.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too much, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late , get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years.  ~ George Carlin


A couple of days ago one of my my teeth started to hurt. Bad. Loss of sleep bad. Tuesday night had me pounding down aspirin, Tylenol and fine whiskey to keep me from taking a pair of vise grips to the offending tusk. Being the big brave guy that I am, I hoped and prayed that the nerve would die and keep me from having to go to the dentist since I hate going to dentists. 

Today I went to the dentist but not to that sick bastard I used to visit. This dentist is a kinder, gentler type of dentist. Kinda like a hippie, pot smoking dentist that uses a calm voice and even tones to keep me from squeezing his testicles to liquid flesh as he probes my mouth with his instruments of torture.

The upshot of today’s visit is that I’m having 3 teeth pulled on Tuesday at about $300 per unit. Whatever happened to the time where you go in, he looks and makes tsk-tsk noises and just pulls the rotten crap outta your mouth? He gave me the usually lecture about my oral care, which I expected BTW, and then proceeded to tell me about my sleep apnea. Huh? He told me about how bad I snore. Me? Not according to Nina, who should know. And of course you can’t see any medical professional these days without the subject of my weight coming into play, but then I knew that was coming too. I should’ve liquified his balls for that one, just to keep in practice. Got some good drugs now though. I no longer hurt and I will sleep tonight.

I know, you all are in envy of me and my life.

Sometimes my greatest daily accomplishment is just keeping my mouth shut.

I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.