Category Archives: B.S. & Political Ridicule

Monday Breakfast at Home

Stupid bank holidays!  Just screws with my schedule for no real reason other than the government employees pimp the government into giving them an asinine amount of paid time off.  Now I have to eat breakfast at home.

Yesterday Erin and I went to the Pecos National Monument just outside of Pecos.  She ran the entire 1.2 miles and I walked it at a stiff pace.  Pictures are in a preceding post here.  Every time I go there with her, I see new things that she brings to my attention.  Her energy alone makes the walk more of a workout than normal.  In this church ruins she disappeared.  Popped up a few minutes later in the rectory ruins and I have no idea how she got there.

I enjoy watching the news while eating breakfast.  It starts here at 5 a.m. and runs until 9 a.m.  I just leave it play until it ends and do chores after breakfast while listening to the news.  Sometimes I find it aggrevating when the news readers try to spin shit to suit their beliefs, but there’s no stopping the idiots.

Should be in the 50’s today.  I may head to Pecos again today after dropping Nina off at the airport.  I may even bring Erin to Alb so she can join me again.

Have a great week everyone.



  1. 2 kids in Alb. run across a street in mid-block, jaywalking obviously, and they get hit by a person driving legally on that same street.  Minor injuries and driver was found to be NOT AT FAULT by the cops.  How much you wanna bet that the driver is still sued by the families of the kids and let’s throw in a secondary wager of how much do you think the jury will award the parents of these little bastards?
  2. Our legislature has recently gone into session.  New Mexico has a weird system, volunteer legislators, staggered sessions of 1 month one year and 2 months the next, and while not so strange lately we have a mostly Democrat powered group of legislators.  Phil Griego is our senator and his granddaughter works for us.  I saw him yesterday and congratulated him on him working again.  I asked for a $200K legislative grant and told him to sell my damned business now that he’s powerful again.  I actually kinda like our system, it limits the damage politicians can do to the state.
  3. New Mexico has a balance budget law.   No budget can be passed that places the state in a deficit.  Pretty nifty, ehh?
  4. During my recent illness, thanks Marylou, I managed to dehydrate myself.  It’s been many years since that happened, but I think I may be back to normal again, or very close to normal.  I hate when that happens.  The last time I spent 4 hours in the hospital with an IV stuck in my arm while they rehydrated me with a saline solution.
  5. I think next year and all following years I’m gonna get a flu shot.  This year I got taken down by the flu and I’m not willing to do that again.
  6. Well, it’s Sunday again.  Nina and I are going to breakfast and then to Lowe’s for something I forgot during last week’s visit.  I’m thinking of taking Erin with, but I’m sure Nina will veto that notion.
  7. Erin was a little devil yesterday, but that devilish attitude was sprinkled with some serious cuteness at times.  One of these days I’ve got to video her interactions with Shirley, it is Erin at her cutest.  It shows a level of caring and gentleness that her energy belies.
  8. I’m thinking of buying 2 guns and selling 1 gun to pay for them.  The gun I’m selling would be my Kimber and I should be able to get $1K for it.  The 2 guns I’m looking at are a pair of S & W .380s with laser sights.  One for me and one for Nina.  They sell for about $480 each.   After taxes it should be a wash.  If you’re reading this and want the Kimber, I’ll assume you know how to contact me, do so please.

Have a great Sunday everyone.


Things are coming to a head.

No Jamie, this is not about you.

We’re in the home stretch for getting Marylou here.  Beds are in place, 2 new hospital bed.  Tickets bought, American Airlines.  Wheelchair ordered from Medicaid.  Large quantities of alcohol ordered, wine for Nina and Knob Creek for me.  Putting up shelves in their room today.

Poker game scheduled for Thursday.  Always a good time, but I may have to punch our host a bit.  He’s starting to get lippy in his emails about my lack of attendance lately.

Anyone give a shit about the inauguration of the chief idiot?  I didn’t think so.  I’m getting tired of hear about it on the news.  I’m amazed at how people are fooled by this clown, but then it’s not about the country anymore, they’re selling the man.

Got this from my mom:

Wow, is Illinois and Chicago great or  what?
Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of  Chicago?
Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in  Chicago.
221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun  laws in
the entire  US.
President: Barack Hussein  Obama
Senator: Dick  Durbin
House Representative: Jesse Jackson  Jr.
Governor: Pat  Quinn
House leader: Mike  Madigan
Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of  Mike)
Mayor: Rahm  Emanuel
The leadership in Illinois – all  Democrats .
Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago  .
Of course, they’re all blaming each  other.
Can’t blame Republicans; there aren’t  any !
Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the  country.
Can’t blame Republicans; there aren’t  any !
State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in  country.
Can’t blame Republicans; there aren’t  any !
Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in  country.
Can’t blame Republicans; there aren’t  any !
This is the political culture that Obama comes from in  Illinois.
And he is going to ‘fix’ Washington politics for  us???
George Ryan is no longer Governor, he is in the big house.
Of course he was replaced by Rob Blajegovitch who is …  that’s
right, also in the big house. And Representative Jesse  Jackson Jr.
resigned a couple of weeks ago. That is because he is  fighting
being sent to … that’s right, the big  house.
Every one knows what the “Big House” is right, it has lots  of bars,
guards, and a tall fence with barbed wire at the top, sound  familiar
The Land of Lincoln, where our governors make our license  plates.
But you know what? As long as they keep providing  entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except  the state
will go broke before the country  does.

Maybe that explains a lot of our current problems.


Talked to ML’s Lawyer

Christina.  She’s a gem.  Paul Vanderwoude has a good person on staff in her.  She stopped by and visited with ML yesterday and called me once she left the facility.  She said that ML brightened up when she saw her and they had a lovely talk.  She spent an hour with ML and they talked about many things.  ML is looking forward to her trip west and can’t wait to see Shirley.

That is a different ML that I was reported on by 2 staff members at the rehab place.  They said she was mean, nasty, uncooperative, and weepy.  Both calls came yesterday morning.


Another day, another post.

  • I picked Erin up from Dilia yesterday.  She was teasing me and not looking at me.  I said “OK, I can take a hint.  I’ll leave!”  That changed her attitude.  We were having a fun trip home when all of a sudden she got all serious on me and told me that she wanted to be a boy.  I told her that she couldn’t be a boy because she didn’t have a winky.  She then told me that she could grow one and it would be a big one.  I almost ran off the road trying not to laugh at that one.
  • As usual, Erin snuck into bed with us after we were sleeping.  It’s pretty normal when we return from a trip that she does this.  I guess it’s her way of keeping us from slipping away again soon.
  • Everything that was brought back from Illinois is now safely ensconced in the bank.  Made me nervous having it all in our house.
  • I’ve been trying to post here daily.  So far so good.
  • We now have 2 hospital beds in the house for the old people.  I hope we didn’t buy one too many.  It sounds like ML is trying to kill herself.  I called the lawyer and informed her that the home is leaning to doing a feeding tube, against ML’s wishes and she plans on a visit there today to reinforce ML’s right to die and to give her a pep talk.  She has less than a week until she’s here.
  • Everyone’s telling us we are making a big mistake bringing her here.  They may be right.  We’ll soon see.  We are currently looking for a 3rd caregiver to pick up some of the slack.  I know we’ll survive though.
  • I’m tired of all the gun talk on TV.  Spin!  All the news shitters need to spin everything to stir up shit.  Just another instance of the news people making government policy.



Santa Fe’s living wage.

The living wage in Santa Fe has claimed another business.  Village Inn, a nationwide pancake restaurant has left SF claiming the living wage as the main cause of doing so.  Their lease expired at the end of last year and there was no mention of a rent increase in the article, just the living wage law that SF councilors jammed down businesses throats.  I know of at least a dozen of places that closed due to the living wage law and Village Inn is the latest.

Way to go Santa Fe!  You’ve placed another 30-50 people out of work.


We had some snow.

Not a lot of snow, but some is better than none.  We probably have around 2 inches of light fluffy stuff.  Nina said there was nothing said about this on the news last night.

Erin is still in Dilia.  Nina and I are sick so Tori felt it was better that she not be exposed.