Big political discussion

Yesterday there was a big political discussion at my gas pumps.  It was myself of course, the weights & measures inspector, and a PBS radio host.  This was all happening while the weights and measures guy was doing an inspection of my pumps, all of which passed BTW.  It of course started with local politics because our legislature is now in session, but it moved to national within 15 minutes.

Now I won’t go into details about what was said because that’s not what this posting is about.  We were there chatting about a bunch of different things and politics came to play because of Mark covering the session.  We had 3 different point of views that we managed to discuss without one of us raising our voices and all of us respecting the opposing views and the person’s right to hold them.

One of the things I love about owning this business is the chance discussions that I have with people that cross my path here.  It can be customers, inspectors, vendors, or just a person that stops in for directions, but I love the people that can have an intelligent conversation reasonably.

One of my candy vendors, Rudy, is always open for a political chat.  He stops by every other Thursday and I can always rile him up by stating “I think I smell a liberal in here!” when I come down to pay him.  Of course my voting Libertarian last election has taken some of the bite out of his comments to me, so he’s easier to deal with.

Anyway, back to your scheduled programming and please tune in tomorrow for more drivel and rambling about nothing in particular.  PEACE!


General info and driving.

Yesterday we did some banking for ML.  We were told by her and her lawyer that BoA had 2 accounts of hers.  Wrong.  There were 5 accounts, 2 savings and 3 CD’s, all of which matured in January.  We removed the CD money from BoA and today will deposit that in her new account at our bank.  This will give her adequate monies to keep her at Vida for a minimum of 6 months.  For all the banks and accounts she has, I find it weird that only one account is a checking account.

I’m curious if in the course of moving things here if we find more forgotten bank accounts at the other banks.  Strange life that women lived.

In the course of things yesterday, I was forced to do a bit of driving.  Just about 200 miles, but I got to tell you, all this driving is starting to wear on me.  Not as much fun as it used to be.

I hope to hit the trails today.  Take care and have a great day.



Yesterday was a strange day in general.  Until we got the Fitbits, we’d never know how busy we were chasing the dream, but now I know that I made 21 trips up and down the stairs.  It’s making me exhausted just typing about it.  Erin was not at her peak health status, so I was caring for her and once Julie was gone, I was watching Shirley too.  There was nothing really notable that I can mention, but it was just a strange day.

Maybe today will be more exciting.  Later.


Christmas # 3 for Erin.

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So yesterday Erin had Christmas #3.  Presents from Josh’s family that were never picked up until Saturday.  That kid and presents is something else.  She tore into them and had a ball.

Well, Nina and I are both using our Fitbits and while Nina’s doing great just doing what she does, yesterday I had to really try to do some good numbers.  Talked to Beth about this too and she told me that it acted as an incentive to her.  We both agreed that Nancy didn’t need any incentive to be active, she’s the energizer bunny.

I walked the campground 3 times Sunday.  Twice with the dogs, once with Erin, and once alone.  Erin loves taking the dogs with us when we walk, so we took Otto & Whiskey with us and I took them for the first walk of the day.  I hope to keep this up and I’m feeling it in my legs.  I walked a little over 3 miles.

Banking this morning.  Bringing Erin with and then we plan to visit with ML at Vida.  After Vegas, Nina will be heading to Santa Fe for product at Sam’s and her allergy shot.

Once home with Erin,  I hope to go to the Nat. Park with Erin to see what that little thing will show me about that place.  The brochure states that the path is 1.2 miles long, but I’d like to know what I’m doing there.

Later today I need to get my gas documents in order for the local petroleum inspector.  He said he was coming in for his inspection between 1 & 3 weeks.  That usually means 1 week exactly.  He don’t like me.  I’ll be good except for some new training that I was unaware of, but I should be OK with that even as long as I register for the next class.  $300 that I didn’t need to spend that the state mandates I spend. I hate this place.

Everyone have a great week.


Power Outage 2.0

Yep, another power outage on Saturday.  Tori was alone with Shirley and she reported that Shirley did not turn into a vampire or werewolf during this outage.  I did hear from Joe, Arrow’s Ridge, that his power was out too.  I have not heard back from him and I’m unsure of vampires and werewolves in his area.  Stay tuned for further details about Joe and if he survived.




And conservatives are criticized for not wanting to fund this type of person.  Liberals seem to feel that this is OK and we need to continue to help this mindset.  I’m sorry, this person needs to be sterilized.  Her kids need to be put up for adoption.

Liberal friends, please take note, I said sterilized, not killed.  She can still live, she just can’t be allowed to breed anymore.  Now take a breath and actually think about what you saw on the video and not what you read here.


Great. No Coffee.

Our K-Cup thingy went to shit.  Keep flashing a “Not Ready” warning and I can’t clear it.  I’ve unplugged it, plugged it back in and still get the same warning.  I can’t turn it off with the switch, it keeps flashing the warning.  Stupid machine.  We have shitty luck with coffee makers.

Nina and I were planning to take the day off today, but now that Nina has had no coffee, I’m not sure if that is still the plan.  We may have to buy a new coffee maker and go to Denver or Albuquerque to do so.  Coffee is life.


I am a husband, father, grandfather, friend, business owner, traveller, Harley rider, citizen, patriot, gun owner, politically eclectic person of strange personal habits. I support police, trust no politicians, and can argue any side of an argument just to amuse myself. People love me or hate me and those that are in-between don't know me.