Clean Carpet

With Tori’s little piss creators no longer allowed in my house, we had the carpet cleaned today. It looks good. We even did Tori’s old room, which I felt should be sealed up and never entered again. It should have been declared a hazardous waste zone and posted as such. The carpet looked black at points.

We moved some furniture around and into Tori’s old room and the living room looks more spacious and brighter. I don’t want to replace the furniture anytime soon, but I’m sure that I’ll be overruled soon. The more spacious part is something I could care less about, but the brighter is a nice thing.

I’m going to move one of the hospital bed into Erin’s old room and that will be ML’s room. 2 old people, 2 bedrooms. It makes it easier for them to be put down at night and we can separate them when they fight.


Citibank cost me some online savings this week and that’s the reason for my last posting here.  3 times total their “fraud detection” apparatus canceled my charges with Zagg when I was ordering some extra lightning cables. They were $5 off as a daily deal, but Shitibank cancelled all my tries at making this because they suspected fraud. Zagg is a company that I’ve patronized for years.  So is Apple. Yet Shitibank feels that every time I buy online from either of these companies, they sense fraud. Now what I lost was only $20, but this whole thing is pissing me off greatly. I’m thinking of calling them again and see if they can placate me somehow.